PyScript is a framework that leverages Pyodide, WebAssembly and modern web technologies to run Python in the browser! 🐍
This shell has been initialised with the Python standard library, matplotlib and pandas.
Action | macOS | Win/Linux |
Run Cell | Shift+Enter | Shift+Enter |
Search | Cmd+F | Ctrl+F |
Select Scope | Cmd+I | Ctrl+I |
Select Line | Ctrl+L | Alt+L |
Delete Line | Cmd+Shift+K | Ctrl+Shift+K |
Insert Line Below | Cmd+Enter | Ctrl+Enter |
Move Selection Up | Alt+Up | Alt+Up |
Move Selection Down | Alt+Down | Alt+Down |
Go to Matching Bracket | Cmd+Shift+\ | Ctrl+Shift+\ |
Indent | Cmd+] | Ctrl+] |
Dedent | Cmd+[ | Ctrl+[ |
The source code for these examples can be run in the REPL above.
This example demonstrates the use of matplotlib and pandas to generate a visually-intricate line plot using dummy data.